Religious Studies

Curriculum Intent

For students to develop their knowledge and understanding of the religions and beliefs which form part of contemporary society. This circulates around the question ‘What does it mean to be human?’ and challenges students to engage with contemporary issues and ask questions about all aspects of faith, belief, ethics and religion.

Curriculum Map

Term Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4
HT 1 Believing in God

Animal Rights

Religion, Crime & Punishment

Christian Beliefs

HT 2 Buddhism Relationships, Peace & Conflict

Christian Practices

HT 3 Judaism and the Holocaust Religion, Relationships & Families

Jewish Beliefs

HT 4 Judaism and the Holocaust

Holy Week

Religion and Life

Jewish Practices

HT 5 Islam in Modern Britain Sex and Relationships

GCSE Exam Preparation and Exams

HT 6 Prejudice and Discrimination – MLK Christian Beliefs

Jewish Beliefs

Curriculum Justification

Our curriculum offers a range of faith-specific study and a variety of relevant and contemporary themes, meaning students have a diverse choice of intriguing subjects to explore and discuss. The GCSE is an accessible level for all our students. Teaching staff are examiners for the exam board.

Students learn how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture, and develop valuable skills that will help prepare them for further study.

The qualification builds logic, reasoning and arguing skills, all of which are highly valuable and transferable into other essay-based subjects. Students can use this qualification to go on to study Philosophy, Religion and Ethics at A level.

Curriculum Development

We are constantly working to improve and further the quality of the course through ongoing evaluation and continuing professional development. The course is continually analysed to ensure that all students receive the most engaging and appropriate curriculum on offer.

Religious Studies by its very nature promotes cultural capital through exploring the cultures and beliefs of other people from different parts of the world. The subject exposes students to many relevant, topical and important philosophical and ethical questions. We are looking to make cross curricular ties with all subjects, notably with the History department, around Judaism and the Holocaust, with the opportunity for future joint educational visits.