SMSC provision across the curriculum
Spiritual development
Through the curriculum, pupils develop:
- An ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
- A sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
- A use of imagination and creativity in learning
- Willingness to reflect on their experiences
Subject/area | Evidence of current SMSC opportunities |
English | Students are given opportunities to write creatively and they are encouraged to reflect on their own experiences and beliefs. The study of poetry from other cultures helps students to develop their understanding of others and be able to empathise. We also study a range of fiction and non-fiction texts where students can learn about the world around them e.g. religious beliefs in a fiction text. |
Maths | Spiritual education involves the awe and wonder of mathematics that is shown to children. Mathematics can be used to explain the world and the mathematical patterns that occur in nature such as the symmetry of snowflake patterns or the stripes of a tiger. There is a sense of wonder in the exactness of mathematics as well as a sense of personal achievement in solving problems. Further mathematics can also be used to consider the idea of infinity.
E.g. Pupils investigating different number sequences such as triangle numbers and the Fibonacci sequence and where they occur in the real world. |
Science | Spiritual education in science can involve respecting different values and opinions and how these impact upon the scientific world and how society can impact on science. For example during the topic of evolution students’ different opinions/beliefs can be discussed (KS4 biology) Students should understand that scientific developments are often the product of many people’s work. Science lends itself to students being fascinated by how their body works, how the world works and can enjoy learning about this. (Also KS4 physics space and the Big Bang theory). |
Art & Design | Spiritual Education in Art develops student awareness through practical work and discussion, how our own and different cultures address responses to the world around us. For example, Egyptian and African Art use a visual language in response to beliefs and tradition. |
History | The students in history have a breadth of different time periods and civilisations to study and reflect on the
differences between them. This can be evidenced through units such as the Holocaust in WW2 for KS3, Religious differences during the reign of Elizabeth I as well as the development of medicine through Religion during the middle ages. Students are presented with opportunities in lesson to reflect and consolidate understanding of the idea that people have always had different beliefs and to reflect on the impact that this has had on the world we live in today. |
Geography | Students are presented with materials and resources that encompass a variety of cultures and traditions. We look at world issues such as inequalities in the world, human responses to hazards, case studies of various countries. Issues such as migration challenge misconceptions and tie in with the school’s British values through discussions in class. |
PE | Students are given opportunities to develop enjoyment and appreciation of what they are physically capable of and to reflect on their experiences and how they can improve. They are taught how to use gym equipment safely and show respect for others around them so they can go on and use community gyms confidently when older, contributing to healthy lifestyles into adulthood. |
RE | Spiritual education in RS involves the experience and search for meaning, the purpose in life and the values by which we live. In learning about different religions and why people believe, pupils should have the opportunity to learn from their experiences, to reflect on and interpret spirituality and their own lives and discuss and reflect on ultimate questions.
RS lessons follow the pedagogical approach of the shared human experience under the title ‘What does it mean to be human?’ Lessons topics are started from the perspective of ‘How does this apply to me? Why should I care?’ Real life examples or individual, ‘I think…’ style starter activities are used I.e. when looking at life after death pupils are given statements to rank in the order they agree with most to least. These activities punctuate all lessons and give pupils the opportunities to explore their own beliefs about the world around them. Lesson topics include What does it mean to be human? Believing in God, Life after Death. Assessment includes evaluation questions where they are asked to be reflective about their own beliefs and support their ideas with reasons why and how they compare to others. |
Keyworker Sessions | Students are encouraged to be reflective about their experiences, perspectives and beliefs. |
Moral development
Through the curriculum, pupils develop:
- An ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and readily apply this understanding in their own lives, recognise legal boundaries and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England
- An understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
- An interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues
Subject/ Area | Evidence of current SMSC opportunities |
English | Students study a range of texts covering different issues and perspectives. Students are able to explore issues like homelessness, gender issues, being different and forms of discrimination through lesson discussions and activities. At KS4 the study of A Christmas Carol’ encourages moral thinking through the recognition of values such as goodwill, humility and kindness. In many texts we look at the consequences of actions and behaviour e.g. An Inspector Calls and Macbeth. |
Maths | Moral education concerns the use and interpretation of data that is becoming more prevalent in society. Pupils are given the opportunity to be aware of the use and misuse of data in all issues including those supporting moral argument.
E.g. Pupils conducting an opinion survey on a moral issue |
Science | Students can appreciate that moral dilemmas can occur as a result of scientific breakthrough. For example in Stem Cell use and research and in genetics, cloning, genetic engineering (KS4 and KS3 Biology) |
Art & Design | Students discuss moral subjects through the work of other artists and of their peers. Students are always encouraged to show mutual respect and consideration when discussing progress and themes. |
History | Within the curriculum for History, students explore the wide range of moral issues and the significance that these have had on the world. These issues range from Slavery and the slave trade, Hitler and the persecution of the Jews and others. The students have the opportunity through discussion and written work to challenge these views and understand the importance of tolerance and acceptance of other people’s ideas and understand the consequences of behaving in a negative way or acting against others. In History we often look at the key individuals throughout history who have challenged sometimes wrong, but widely accepted ideas and assess the impact that their acts have had on the world. For example – William Wilberforce and Oludah Equiano in the abolishment of slavery. |
Geography | Within the human geography units we are looking at issues ranging from politics within a country, incorporating British values and challenging stereotypes when looking at people from other countries. KS3 units look at crime and the impacts of it within society. |
PE | Students learn the rules of different activities and how to apply and adhere to them. This includes learning to score for themselves and for each other. Students also consider and discuss moral issues such as cheating and the use of substances to enhance performance. |
SMSC / PSHE | SRE Curriculum Developed and taught by KF to Year 10 – Focus on issues including consent, rape, sexting, pornography, safe sex. |
RE | Moral education in RS allows pupils to learn about shared and differing moral values. RS allows pupils to debate moral dilemmas about right and wrong, good and bad, peace etc. RS allows pupils to discuss issues such as people’s responsibility towards the world and future generations. Through RS pupils have the opportunity to make a personal response to right and wrong and to consider other peoples’ responses to moral issues.
Moral and ethical issues form the heart of the curriculum at both KS3 and KS4. Pupils look at a wide range of issues including, where does life begin, is it right to help someone to die, is abortion acceptable, is it right to test on animals, does it matter how we treat the world, can we justify killing for a cause. Students are encouraged to discuss these sensitive topics with respect and in a mature way, being aware of the thoughts and feelings of others. Pupils are given the opportunity to discuss, not only what they feel to be right and wrong, but also what the consequences are within society and the world in which they live. |
Keyworker Sessions | A key feature of key working is assisting students to take responsibility for their choices, understand consequences of actions and respect rules. |
Social development
Through the curriculum, pupils develop:
- A use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
- A willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, co-operating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
- An acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain
Subject/ Area | Evidence of current SMSC opportunities |
English | In English lessons we promote cooperation, respect and listening to others. We discuss real issues and topics linked to transactional writing tasks encouraging students to write in a variety of perspectives whilst developing their knowledge of other people’s belief systems. |
Maths | Social education in Maths concerns pupils being given the opportunity to work together. Experimental and investigative work provides an ideal opportunity for pupils to work collaboratively. Mathematics also allows children to apply their own intuitive feelings and check these against what they have learnt in order to make more sense of the world. |
Science | In science students cooperate with others to carry out practical experiments.(KS3 and KS4) We also create an awareness of how science and technology impact upon society and the environment and how they can be used in positive ways to participate in life in the modern world. Current news articles are used to make awareness. |
Art & Design | Students participate in class discussions around themes in Art. For example, projects involving the Industrial Revolution or Consumerism allow students to contextually explore individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance from the past to the present. |
History | The study of cooperation at a time of need after conflicts is assessed in history at KS4. The introduction of the League of Nations and the importance of cooperation to avoid further conflict is discussed at length in this topic. During lessons, students are asked at times to encourage others through peer marking and working together on a variety of tasks. Students explore the differing views of government throughout the world, and discuss the problems with the way in which Adolf Hitler ran Germany as a dictator and compare this to the way in which British values and the importance of democracy in this country in enabling us to achieve and succeed. But to also listen and respect the idea |
Geography | Human Geography unit observes people from diverse cultures and traditions. Unit on the Development Gap and urbanisation shows students how unequal the world is whilst teaching tolerance and acceptance of other cultures. We do units of work on Nigeria and Brazil as well as studying impacts of migration on the UK and other countries. |
PE | Students get the chance to develop team working skills in team sports and learn how to co-operate with each other in paired activities. They learn to share equipment fairly, look after the gym and to appreciate that more than individual skill is needed to make someone an effective and talented sportsperson. The development of a sense of fair play that lasts beyond the sports environment is key. |
SMSC / PSHE | SRE Curriculum Developed by KF for Year 10 – Including a focus on identifying ways in which to build positive relationships and how to avoid unhealthy relationships. Ground rules are created by the pupils for the lessons which they agree to follow and accept the consequences if they do not. |
RE | Social education in RS involves exploring similarities and differences in religions and cultures through which pupils should begin to link religion to personal action in everyday life. This is reflected in their relations with others in the classroom and their ability to work together co-operatively.
Pupils are encouraged to work together, listen to each other with respect and consideration. Pupils are encouraged to challenge the ideas of others but are given guidance on how to do this in a way which does not hurt or cause offense to others. Pupils are also encouraged to see they variety and differences between people of faith, as well as the differences with those who do not. Discussions often develop around unpicking stereotypes, prejudices and media-inspired ideas to give pupils the opportunity to make well-informed choices about the way they interact with others. KS3 RS Curriculum – Unit ‘Being a British Muslim’ explores the ways in which Muslims integrate in and are discriminated against within British society (Liberty, mutual respect and tolerance). |
Keyworker Sessions | Students are encouraged to develop socially and show mutual respect and tolerance for difference. The keyworker is a supportive adult who can challenge actions and behaviours that are contrary to these values. |
Cultural development
Through the curriculum, pupils develop:
- An understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and those of others
- An understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
- A knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain
- A willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
- An interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socioeconomic groups in the local, national and global communities
Subject/ Area | Evidence of current SMSC opportunities |
English | Novels, plays and poems are used to help students explore and understand different cultures and backgrounds e.g. the study of Victorian literature helps to appreciate British history and culture. Poems in the studied anthology cover other cultures and traditions; students develop their respect for others and the choices they make. |
Maths | Cultural education concerns the wealth of mathematics in all cultures and the opportunities pupils are given to explore aspects of personal culture and identity through mathematics. Recognition is given to symmetry patterns, number systems and mathematical thinking from other cultures.
E.g. Pupils considering the development of pattern in different cultures including work on tessellations |
Science | Students are engaged in activities in order that they reflect on the wonder of the natural world (KS3 and KS4 habitat and environmental work) They should also be conversant with examples of British creativity and culture, for example; British scientists that have led the way in terms of their discovery and invention. (Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Sir Isaac Newton, Robert Hooke). |
Art & Design | All units of work link with contextual themes involving various cultures and civilizations from around the world. They lead to a greater understanding of different ways of life and a respect for cultures that are very different from our own; how they can enrich our own lives. The fusion of art work between our own and other cultures leads to pupils incorporating designs, patterns and motifs in their own work developed by a deeper understanding of the culture. |
History | The study of the British Empire explores the heritage of how we have become the nation that we are today and the Subject/area Evidence of current SMSC opportunities Areas to develop benefits of sharing ideas and cooperating with others. Explore the ways in which Empire and colonial rule over another country is wrong and discuss ways that trade and colonial rule could have been different. |
Geography | Human Geography units expose the students to the diverse cultures of other nations – Nigeria, Brazil, Jamaica etc… |
PE | Students are given opportunities to participate in sporting activities that they might not otherwise get the chance to try. This includes wakeboarding, golf, fitness training, boxing, table tennis and pool. |
RE | Cultural education in RS involves learning about other religions, giving pupils an opportunity to learn what it means to belong, to develop confidence in themselves and be able to respond positively to similarities and differences in our multi-faith and changing society. Students being given the opportunity to explore different artistic images and literature sources from religious and cultural perspectives Students examining aspects of religious architecture, religious paintings and religious symbols and their meanings. KS3 Unit ‘Being a British Muslim’ explores the diverse impact that Islam has on British culture. Pupils are also given opportunities to explore the ways in which Christian traditions have influences the culture and society in which they live. |
Keyworker Sessions | Keyworkers support students to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity both within the school community and beyond. |