Minister of Parliament visits McKee College

Minister of Parliament visits McKee College

We were delighted to host a visit from local MP Ben Wallace and Poulton County Councillor Alf Clempson on Friday 3rd March.

After a brief introduction to the school and its development both Ben and Alf were given a whistle stop tour of the school, meeting students and sampling our breaktime snacks!

A more formal Q&A session was then held with some students and members of the Management Committee.

I dont know if Mr Wallace was quite expecting to be grilled to such an extent but he impressed the students with his answers and commitment to supporting their concerns.

Ben Wallace impressed all students and staff with his friendly open manner and displayed a genuine interest in the work of the school in supporting our vulnerable learners.

On behalf of the whole school I would like to extend our thanks to him and Councilor Alf Clempson.



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