
There are 3 types of admissions to McKee College;

  1. Permanently Excluded students who reside in Fylde and Wyre.
  2. Medical Referrals for students who reside in Fylde and Wyre.
  3. Alternate Provision places for students who attend school in Fylde and Wyre or reside in Fylde and Wyre.

The referral process for each type of provision is slightly different but the admission process is very similar.

Permanently Excluded Students

If the student has been PEX from their school the Pupil Access Team will contact the McKee and direct us to admit the student to our school.  This process is usually completed within 6 days from receipt of referral.

Medical Placements

If a student is unable to attend school for a period of more than 15 days because of a medical condition which despite the best efforts of the school to meet need has not resolved the issue of non-attendance then a Medical Referral may be appropriate.  For this to be successful both the referring school and the students medical consultant must provide supporting evidence and submit this to the Local Authority Medical Panel for assessment.  The panel will then decide if a medical referral is appropriate and subsequently they will make the referral to McKee College.

Alternate Provision

Mainstream schools can direct students to McKee College to support behaviour or to have specialist input in support of EHCP plans.  This is a traded service and schools contribute directly to the cost of the placement.  Length of placement can vary based on need but typically for students in KS3 this can be from 2 to 12 weeks and in KS4 it can be for a more prolonged period to support stability through their GCSE or vocational courses.

The Admission Process

It is very important that we have the fullest picture of any student coming to our school. This ensures that we are prepared to meet need from the first day and to ensure that student feels comfortable in their new school setting. Openness and transparency around expectations and outcomes is always the best way to start any new relationship between home, school and student.

We want the admission process to be quick, non bureaucratic and informative, however it is always in the students interests that any admission is full and complete as this is the basis for any successful placement.