
Our school continues to be a GOOD school, as rated in our latest Ofsted inspection in March 2020.

Some of the key findings of the report are below:

· Pupils benefit from this very inclusive school.
· Pupils enjoy coming to school. They would recommend it to others. Pupils who spoke with us were positive about their work in lessons and their experiences at McKee College.
· Pupils spoke very positively about their teachers and teaching assistants. They appreciate the support given to improve their learning and behaviour.
· Pupils feel safe and know that staff step in quickly when there are rare cases of bullying.
· Pupils know that there are very high expectations about behaviour.
· Pupils arrive promptly for lessons. They are smartly attired.
· Pupils respond well to staff instructions or requests.
· Leaders have high ambitions for pupils and plan the curriculum accordingly.
· There is a consistent approach to assessing pupils’ learning and social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH)
· Teachers make adaptations to their teaching to ensure equal access to learning for all pupils.
· Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is a strength of the school.
· The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
· Staff and committee members are knowledgeable.
· Effective systems are in place to ensure that leaders can monitor and act upon any concerns.
· Pupils achieve well.
The full report can be accessed here:
Alternatively, please click the link below to access all of our previous inspection reports.
Mckee College House – Ofsted