School Meals

At lunchtime pupils may eat a packed lunch or order a lunch from the member of staff responsible for student meals. If your child is entitled to free school meals please let us know and we will confirm this with the local education office.

All of the school lunches provided by the school are prepared daily on site. We offer students the choice of sandwiches or wraps with various fillings and salad. Hot meals are available on selected days with prior ordering.

Healthy eating For School-Aged Children

At the McKee College House we aim to promote healthy eating in school and encourage the support from parents outside of school. Everybody, especially children, need the right nutrients to grow and develop. This combined with physical activity can improve health, as well as their ability to learn and achieve at school.

Encouraging your children to eat healthily now will make them more likely to adopt a healthy lifestyle as they get older.

Ideas for healthier snacks for children:

We ask that parents do not allow their children to bring sweets and fizzy or energy drinks to school.

Chewing gum is strictly prohibited on site.