The McKee Approach

Here at McKee College we recognise that as a school we have an important role to play in supporting the health and wellbeing of our pupils, including their mental health. We seek to provide opportunities for all our students to develop resilience and positive mental health. As a whole school we take a trauma friendly and Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) informed approach and creating a climate of trust and rapport is key.

We encourage and promote conversations around social, emotional and mental health and each of our students as well as being in small groups have a key worker who is their key adult within school. Where appropriate we signpost and refer students to specialist external services.

To support our whole school approach to health and wellbeing we undergo CPD both internally and from external services. Recent examples include Educational Psychologists, Lancashire Emotional Health Service in Schools and Papyrus the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. 9 of our staff have recently been trained on and awarded the INLPTA Foundation Diploma in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a practical and positive approach to supporting well-being.

Studies have shown that the presence of companion animals can improve well-being and lower anxiety levels, simply by making the environment happier and more enjoyable. We have a visiting dog Mabel and many of our students look forward to her weekly visits to school.

We work with a wide range of agencies to support the wellbeing of our students including the NHS, Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Children and Families Wellbeing Service, Addaction, Lancashire Emotional Health Service in Schools. We can also access support for our students from an Educational Psychologist and a counselling service we use as a school.

Within school our mental health champion is Tina Morgan. Tina works as part of our SEND team and supports students with small group and 1:1 intervention designed to promote positive social, emotional and mental health. This work is tailored to the needs of our students and Tina links with home so there can be a joined-up approach. Our students have sessions on managing feelings, coping with stress, social stories, gardening for well-being, Eco Warriors, life skills.