
Curriculum Intent 

Through Art we want our students to be engaged, inspired and challenged. They will develop the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they will gain a more rigorous and critical understanding of art. 

Art creates confidence and self-esteem – a chance for students to express themselves. It reflects and shapes our culture and history – Art and design is all around us. 

Curriculum Map 

Term  Key Stage 3  Key stage 4 
HT 1  Still Life & Cubism  Year 10: Architecture: Research & Ideas.

Year 11: Sea Life: Research & Ideas.

HT 2  Sarah Graham: Sweets  Year 10: Architecture: Surfaces and Materials.

Year 11. Sea Life: Mark making and Layering.

HT 3  Egyptian Art  Year 10: Architecture: Contrast & Scale.

Year 11: Component 2: Preparation Work.

HT 4  Amedeo Modigliani  Year 10: Printmaking, Painting, Drawing and Digital Image.

Year 11: Component 2: Preparation Work.

HT 5  Pop Art & Consumerism  Year 10: Architecture: Mixed Media, texture, response to Artists work.

Year 11: Component 2: Exam.

HT 6 The World of L.S Lowry  Year 10: Architecture: Mixed Media, texture, response to Artists work.

Curriculum Justification

AQA GCSE Art and Design allows students to develop skills in a variety of different media; Printmaking, painting, photography, drawing and digital media. This qualification equips students with the skills to continue this subject and art career pathways, with confidence. 

We provide a step towards many career opportunities. The demand for web designers, app designers, software designers, graphic designers, digital illustrators, multimedia artists, video producers, online publishers, animation artists, game designers and many other digital careers is undergoing unprecedented growth. 

GCSE Art & Design provides  a strong foundation for further study at AS and A-level as well as vocational pathways. To support this progression, the assessment objectives, structure and titles are very similar to those detailed in the AS and A-level Art and Design specification. 


Curriculum Development 

Art is continually developing. We want students to explore a range of new skills and introduce different materials. We will work in collaboration with organisations such as the Grundy and individuals to help us embed the arts in the curriculum, including visits to galleries, working with an artist-in-residence and showcasing the children’s work in the local area. 

We are looking into creating public art, working with an Artist in Residence – another way of demonstrating career opportunities within the Arts. We are also looking at ways at which students work can be displayed in local galleries.