
Visitors to McKee College House comment on the smartness of our students and we feel that a uniform contributes to the feeling of belonging at McKee. It is a very simple uniform that everyone can wear.

The McKee is open and welcoming to all, it has a unique atmosphere which allows young people to express themselves without fear or prejudice. We embrace difference and celebrate it, helping to build tolerance and understanding within our students towards others. This ethos is reflected in our approach to uniform and appearance. We balance personal freedom of expression such as being able to wear non-natural hair colours with a collective responsibility to being part of our community and wearing the correct uniform.

Uniform is discussed at the Admissions meeting, and any questions can be asked then.

Joined up working with home is at the heart of how we work here at the McKee and we value your support in upholding our uniform standards, helping students have a positive start to the day with the right mind set.

A black McKee jumper is provided by us to all students when they start. This signals their welcome into our school community.

If your child comes to school either not in uniform or inappropriately dressed we may send them home at cost and inconvenience to you.

Uniform at the McKee College House is compulsory and must be worn correctly by all students at all times. The following information shows the appropriate uniform expected at the McKee College House.

McKee Uniform
  • A black McKee jumper provided by school. Additional jumpers may be purchased on request.
  • White shirt or white polo shirt – long or short sleeved
  • Full length black ‘school style’ trousers
  • Black Skirt
  • Trainers can be worn in place of shoes
Additional Information

  • Black opaque/thick tights may be worn with the skirt.
  • Discrete make-up which it deemed to be reasonable and acceptable is permissible
  • A specific PE kit is not necessary however some students may choose to bring in a change of clothes on their timetabled PE day.
  • When wearing a skirt students can choose to wear black leggings instead of tights. The leggings may not be worn instead of trousers.

If for whatever reason you are struggling to provide the right uniform items, please let us know. This might be through your regular contact with your child’s key worker or you can contact Amanda Brindle at school, our safeguarding, welfare, and engagement officer. As a school we work with you to help students overcome any barriers to their academic and personal development and this includes any difficulties around uniform.