Information on Scarlet Fever

Information on Scarlet Fever

Dear parents and carers,


The recent outbreak of Scarlet Fever has left many parents worried and concerned about the health of their children, particularly around the spread of the infection in school settings.

This advice has been given by the Local Authority which I am sharing with you.  There is also a letter attached which says broadly similar message.

  • For one case of scarlet fever, schools should just advise family ring 111 or preferably see GP to get antibiotics and confirm that’s what it is.  Child can return to school 24 hours after starting antibiotics.
  • Symptoms of scarlet fever are sore throat, fever and bumpy rash.
  • A few cases of mild scarlet fever are normal in children, if you are concerned please contact
  • For two cases of complicated/more serious scarlet fever or a case of scarlet fever where there is also flu/chicken pox in the class, school should contact who will contact the school to provide advice.  Schools should complete the Minimum Dataset (MDS) form attached and send to and  It would also be helpful for them to email me too so we can keep track of any outbreaks.
  • Strep A is a normal illness (tonsilitis is Strep A) and therefore school do not need to be concerned about this on its own, it is scarlet fever they are looking for confirmation of cases as this can develop into iGas which is more serious
  • If family refuse to take antibiotics the child should stay off school until they feel better.
  • If schools are approached by the press they should contact Kenny Lomas for support and to let us know.  In general they should try to avoid confirming they have cases in their school as we do not name particular schools or individuals as this is private medical information.
  • Preventative measures are the same as other infectious diseases – hand hygiene, cleaning touchpoints, etc but health protection will advise on this
  • There is a small rise in cases of scarlet fever therefore the message is to raise awareness not alarm

Please find attached letter from UKHSA explaining above and the minimum dataset form.

20221206IncreasedIncidenceOfScarletFever-LetterToParentsV1.00 (1)

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