Dear Parents and Carers
It has certainly been a challenging year for everyone and I’m sure we will all be glad to put it behind us. It does look like there could be light at the end of the tunnel with hopeful signs of a vaccine in the near future being given to all and with that a return to normality.
I would like to thank all the students and staff though for their patience and hard work in making sure that our school has been able to deliver education continuously throughout the year. In school, students and staff have worked within guidance and kept our school safe. This was highlighted by “Public Health England” when we recently had to close the building to staff and students due to positive tests in the staff. The findings of their report identified that the source of the infection was “community based” and not “school based”. Our systems and processes for keeping our school community safe were praised and the result of our actions were that no student or member of the teaching staff subsequently developed covid.
Since our return to school after the closure, students and staff have worked within our very tight bubbles and I appreciate that this has been very difficult for everyone but we have got through it, safely, with no further outbreaks. When we break up on Thursday it will be in the knowledge that we have kept each other safe and can enjoy a relaxing Christmas with our families.
When we return to school on Monday 4th January 2021 we will be reverting to moving between classrooms and face to face teaching.
It is very important that students continue to wear face coverings in the corridors and shared spaces to minimise any possibility of spreading covid. We will have to implement a zoning system at break time in the yard as we are still working to minimise contacts with each other until such time as is deemed safe.
We are intending to return to full days when it is safe to do so, that will be based on the roll out of the vaccination programme and the latest advices.
Year 11 Exam Preparation
We are continuing to focus on our Year 11 exam preparations and are taking an approach which will ensure that whatever decision that is taken by the Government in relation to exams that we will be prepared. Our teachers are building in more exam based assessments into lessons to ensure that we can provide accurate Centre Assessment Grades if required.
When the Government provide more information on the exams we will share this with parents and students, keeping you informed at all times.
I will finish off by once again wishing you all a restful break and hope that you have some quality family time and I look forward to the New Year with optimism and hope.
School re-opens on Monday 4th January 2021.
Best wishes
Andrew Murray