Parent Forum

Welcome to the McKee Parent Forum page.

What is the Parents Forum?

The Parents Forum isn’t the PTA or a lecture from the headteacher, its for the parents. It is your forum to discuss your thoughts and for my part and the Management Committee, we  are  there to help answer or seek the answers  if needed.

Why have a Parents Forum?

At McKee College we value the input of all of our parents. Each of you has had a unique experience of supporting your child through education, one that most other parents will never have or fully understand. The Parent Forum allows you to share and listen to other parents who have also had challenging journeys and in doing so perhaps help you in better understanding your  own child.

The Parent Forum meets once each term to share and discuss the issues that are important to you as parents. It is an opportunity to learn from other parents and to share your own experiences of navigating the education system.

The agenda for Parents Forum is created by the parents therefore if there are other issues you would like to discuss then bring those ideas with you and if we cant answer them on the night then we will add them to the next meetings agenda.

We also have an online Parent Forum which we will update with relevant threads from the discussions we have at our meetings.

Kind regards

Andrew Murray (Headteacher)