Seasons Greetings!

Seasons Greetings!

I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of the staff and Management Committee at the McKee. It has been a very busy first term, the longest term I can remember at 15 weeks in length! That only leaves 24 weeks left till the Summer break! Time does fly, especially for the Year 11’s with GCSE exams almost within touching distance. However they need not worry as they will be wonderfully prepared for these important exams by their teachers and all of the supporting staff at the McKee. We are providing our Year 11 students the best Christmas presents ever in the shape of revision guides and online learning programmes! It’s the gift that keeps on giving as the work never runs out! Enjoy!

We also had the best careers fair to date this year thanks to our new hall in Breck House. The providers who attended commented on how attentive the students where, how well organised the event was and how much everyone got out of the event. A big thanks go to our partners in Young Peoples Service, now known as Early Help and Well Being, who contacted all the providers and will continue to support our students by taking them to visit the colleges of their choice.

We will start the new term with a parents meeting on Wednesday 11th January 2017 to discuss pupil progress. Its vital that you attend this meeting to inform yourself of how much you can support your child in their education. If you cant make the event then please contact your childs key worker and make alternate arrangements to visit us at another time.

My new year resolution will be to write regularly into the blog so please keep checking in.

Merry Christmas everyone.




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